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OGA: Curating Geoengineering Citizen Activist Rosalind Peterson's Archives (SEPTEMBER 2020 UPDATE)

Greetings, OGA supporters and friends!

After weeks of logistical work behind the scenes, we kick off Autumn 2020 with exciting news.

Working with our California nonprofit colleagues at Environmental Voices, we are excited to be spearheading the curation of pioneering anti-geoengineering US citizen activist Rosalind Peterson's archives over the next six months.

A certified USDA Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjuster who worked in more than ten California counties, Peterson went on to found California Skywatch and Environmental Voices, and her decades-long quest to uncover the truth about clandestine geoengineering operations over the skies in California and Beyond proved both courageous and inspirational.

Here's a glimpse of Rosalind's speech on geoengineering in front of the UN Climate Change conference - October 2013.

Throughout her career, Peterson embraced a both/and local and global approach to her research and advocacy, building a network of committed citizen activists for decades and calling sustained attention to the toxic poisoning of our sky, land and water by emerging "weather and climate modification" initiatives planned and funded by military, government and commercial actors. At a time when very few Americans were even aware of geoengineering, Peterson proved a voice of courage and conscience, and we here at OGA are honored to be able to preserve her vital environmental legacy for history, posterity, and future generations as we continue to grapple with the emerging reality of these clandestine geoengineering projects.

Visit our ARCHIVES page here at our OGA web site for sample historical content from Rosalind Peterson's archives.

Here's how you can HELP support this vital work:

1) SHARE resources: if you worked with Rosalind and/or have access to letters, files, or other relevant documents, please CONTACT us via email.

2) DONATE money: if you'd like to support our work, please visit our DONATION page.

Thank you, Rosalind, welcome September, and keep your eye on our skies.


“There needs to be full disclosure of geoengineering operations to the citizens of the United States and other countries.”

– Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus

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