"Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change temperate climates to frigid." – President Lyndon Baines Johnson
California Burning – “Ground Zero” for US Geoengineering
From 2003 to 2007, over the course of five years, 5,379 wildfires burned in California. A decade later, a record 9,133 fires burned in a single year. And 2018 shows promise of exceeding last year’s record.
An exponential increase in the numbers of wildfires now plagues the Golden State.
July 2018 was the hottest month in California’s history. Atmospheric heat is a known contributing factor to forest combustibility. This past July 2018 proved the hottest in California’s history, and three of the state’s 10 largest wildfires ever recorded raged simultaneously.
What’s going on?
Why is California burning? Is it, as we are constantly told, somehow due to global warming?
Or are other forces at work?
More than a decade ago, Californian Dane Wigington got hooked on the issue of what the US Air Force euphemistically calls “aerial obscuration,” a.k.a geoengineering, when he noticed his homestead’s photo voltaic (PV) solar arrays’ output was, on average, 30 percent less than it should have been.
Wigington then noticed that air traffic over Mt. Shasta in his remote part of northern California was not conforming to scheduled commercial routes and flight patterns. The planes overhead flew in abnormal, out-of-regulation patterns, making parallel lines of ‘contrails’ close together, in grids, and Xs.
Some of the aircraft flying above his homestead were larger than commercial jets, and unmarked.
Nor were these aircraft emitting short-lived contrails made up of water vapor that, at very cold altitudes with high humidity, can momentarily freeze and form visible ice crystals. Typically, within seconds, or at most, a minute or two, these ice crystals evaporate in sunlight as an invisible gas. The ‘contrails’ Wigington regularly observed were something else. They were long-lived and expansive, frequently feathering out from horizon-to-horizon and forming a gauzy curtain that often occluded the sun.
These ‘contrails’ were made up of something other than mere water vapor.
Whatever these ‘contrails’ were, they were whitening the sky and drastically reducing the normal amount of solar radiation reaching the ground and his Shasta Lake homestead’s photoelectric arrays.
Wigington was troubled.
Ever since this surprising development in his life, Dane Wigington has consistently documented the spraying off the coast of California, using ground-based as well as NASA satellite photography, and FAA and NOAA daily weather records for over a decade on [1]
NASA photo showing aerosolized geoengineering grid off of the California coast. Photo credit:
Based on his observations tracking covert geoengineering over a period of years, Wigington predicted California would suffer increasingly hot, uncontrollable wildfires. His predictions were correct.
California is ground zero: if you’re going to influence the weather or climate over the continental US, it moves across the Pacific from west to east, making California (as well as Oregon and Washington) a necessary target for climate engineering programs. According to Wigington and many other knowledgeable observers in California, massive quantities of aerosolized toxic chemicals are laid down daily over the easternmost Pacific along California’s coastline. [2] These artificial clouds are then capable of being moved by electromagnetic stations—iononospheric “heaters”—now based at sea as well as on land. [3].
Ionospheric Heaters - sea and land based. Photo credit:
These specialized heaters create high pressure domes in the ionosphere that act to force the moisture-laden clouds—loaded with geoengineered aerosolized chemicals that help conduct and focus the heaters’ electromagnetic beams—northward over Alaska and then southward to the east of the Rocky Mountains into Texas and Louisiana, where sudden deluges are now common. [4]
Ocean moisture, once destined for the fertile valleys of the Golden State, now regularly falls far to the east, leaving California unusually dry, the driest the state ever been since it was settled by the 19th century pioneers. [5] So dry that its impact on agriculture has long since become worrisome to California’s growers and agricultural officials, and to such agricultural experts as Rosalind Peterson. [6]
Why is California burning?
Wigington claims that although anthropogenic global warming is a “major factor,” it is not the most significant cause of his state’s out-of-control wildfires. “Global climate engineering operations are the single greatest piece of the puzzle relating to the…forest fire epidemics.” [7]
As it happens, Dane Wignington is not alone in the self-assigned task of documenting deliberate geoengineering sources of California’s worsening plight. Far to the south, in San Diego, a nuclear chemist and Earth scientist named J Marvin Herndon began to notice blue skies were becoming a thing of the past. He observed strange and irregular flight and ‘contrail’ patterns above his home, the trails sometimes so thick they dimmed the sun’s radiance. Asking local authorities for an explanation proved pointless. [8]
Geoengineering over San Diego. Photo credit: J. Marvin Herndon.
As a chemist, Herndon knew water-vapor ice crystals weren’t the source that had suddenly smeared San Diego’s signature blue skies to a faded dull whitish blue. Despite decades of heavy air traffic, San Diego remained known for its long runs of clear, sky-blue days, an abiding feature of the area’s hot, dry climate. Angered and curious, Herndon decided to collect samples of post-spray rainwater and look for chemical clues that might show what substances the planes were spraying.
A forensic fingerprint.
What goes up, must come down, in rain, hail, sleet, or snow. Herndon set about collecting his own post-spray rainwater samples.
Example of whitened sky over San Diego. Photo credit: J. Marvin Herndon.
What Herndon discovered were certain elements—aluminum, barium, strontium and, in later tests, 11 other elements, including heat-absorbing iron—always appeared in his rainwater samples (as well as in other samples he collected from outside the state). Notably, the chemical elements were always distributed in a pattern proportional or parallel to the distribution of these same elements found in laboratory water-extracts from raw, untreated samples of coal fly ash. These untreated samples had already been measured by other scientists. In June 2015, Herndon published the first of his many peer-reviewed geoengineering papers alleging that coal fly ash was the likely source material of an ongoing, covert worldwide climate engineering program. A second paper appeared in August 2016. [9]
Not long after Herndon published his first peer-reviewed science articles, the Earth scientist was joined in his work by Mark Whiteside, MD, a Florida-based physician, to help document the health effects of the aerosolized coal fly ash being sprayed in the lower atmosphere, eventually settling onto human and other life forms.
Coal fly ash is one of the world’s largest industrial waste streams, which makes it convenient for use as a worldwide geoengineering material. It forms in the coal-burning process, “condensing and accumulating, typically as tiny [submicron] spheres, in the hot gases above the burners…[in] an alien environment with no counterpart in nature.” [10] Elements like aluminum, bound to oxygen in nature, become chemically mobile, and dangerously available to be set loose on living beings that have not evolved defenses to resist them. The burning of coal radically concentrates its many toxic elements in coal fly ash. That is why western nations now mandate smokestack scrubbers to keep the material from entering the atmosphere in situ.
Once sprayed into the atmosphere as tiny microscopic aerosols, these concentrated poisonous elements are “readily extracted by exposure to moisture,” such as the moisture over California’s long ocean border. They then contaminate the fog banks that are a regular feature of California’s sea coast. But equally devastating, they act to desiccate California’s climate.
NASA explains the effect of air particulates on rain clouds: “…as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out,” reducing the size of the cloud condensation nuclei (particulates to which atmospheric moisture can adhere and grow to raindrop size). “These smaller droplets [then] float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop” to form and fall. [11]
Which means particulate climate engineering acts to delay rainfall over California.
In effect, it hangs the state out to dry.
Because coal fly ash is also known to be an efficient radiation absorber, spraying it enhances global warming. Herndon and his co-author Mark Whiteside, MD, explain the consequences of coal fly ash spraying on the forest environment in their October 2018 peer-reviewed science paper “California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering".
The near-daily, year-after-year aerial particulate spraying along the California coast…heats the atmosphere. The nearly continuously heated atmosphere results in nearly continuously elevated atmospheric pressures. That artificially-treated high-pressure zone along California’s coast acts like a wall to prevent the flow of Pacific Ocean moisture-laden weather masses from coming ashore…The consequence is a persistent artificial drought for California. (Emphasis added.)
But drought is not the only result of California climate engineering. Submicron coal fly ash aerosols can also act to degrade Earth’s barrier to highly toxic shortwave solar radiation, the stratospheric ozone layer. A damaged ozone layer lets in elevated quantities of UV-B and UV-C that directly weaken trees (as well as insects, bees, birds, and other life forms, including humans). Herndon and two co-authors have published empirical data gathered by one of the co-authors living in southern California, as well as by NASA scientists in the Chilean Andes, that show a marked increase in deadly UV-B and UV-C since at least 2007. [12]
Left photo - shaded side of a Torrey pine. Right photo - sunny side exposed. Photo credit: J.
Marvin Herndon.
Weakened by drought and deadly ultraviolet radiation, trees are also vulnerable to dissolved coal fly ash toxins, particularly aluminum. According to Herndon and Whiteside, “Trees, especially conifers, all along the coast of California, are watered by fog that is contaminated with dissolved aluminum and other toxins.” They add: “Eventually the toxin-bearing fog water drips to the ground and slowly poisons the trees…weakening their defenses to bark beetles and other pathogens.” [13]
And to fire. Whole forests become prone to swift destruction.
Tinder on a vast scale.
Geoengineered tinder.
The range of the rarest and most endangered pine tree in the US, the ancient Torrey Pine, has been reduced to a meager portion of its former extensive oceanside expanse in southern California. The pines in the Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, where 30 percent of the trees have died since 2015, and related enclaves were studied by Herndon and two other investigators as “a microcosm of global forest die-offs.”
In a peer-reviewed science paper, these authors note that conifer “needles effectively collect and concentrate a significant percentage of the particulate matter in air pollution.” The needles (and leaves of other trees) are directly compromised. “One of the main barriers to the harmful effects of air pollution in conifers is the epidermal wax covering of the needles.” Toxic aerosols such as aluminum are able to degrade this protective covering, obstructing the needles’ stomata, and reducing the trees’ tolerance to disease, drought, and fire. [14]
Herndon and Whiteside’s findings are deeply disturbing.
Herndon published his first coal-fly-ash geoengineering paper in 2015; in 2016 he published two more; in 2017, five more (many with Mark Whiteside); and thus far in 2018 he has published, with several co-authors, preeminently Whiteside, 10 more papers on the various, and multiple environmental and health effects of covert geoengineering that uses coal fly ash as its primary ingredient.
A total of 18 peer-reviewed papers, published in seven different science journals. [15]
Wigington’s website,, has attracted almost 32,000,000 visitors, and unsurprisingly it used to be the first website listed in a Google search about geoengineering. For obvious reasons.
In 2018 the site has been effectively “delisted,” unavailable to people searching for information about geoengineering. Freedom of information in action in the year 2018.
The output that Wigington and Herndon and his co-authors provide on deliberate ongoing geoengineering verges on being monumental in quantity. This output, against all the logic that might be expected to inform serious human discourse about world-threatening events, or even to inform normal intellectual-marketplace reaction to sensational, documented allegations about the abuse of power, this output, marked by environmental passion and commitment to truth, has been completely ignored.
Wigington’s and Herndon’s voluminous reports have been ignored by other scientists.
Most shamefully ignored by environmentalists.
And, more expectably, by eminently corruptible politicians, academicians, and policy makers.
But why the total silence?
Why especially when it’s California, America’s Golden State, that’s burning?
Why the silence of all state officials, up to and including the governor?
Why the silence of California’s media?
Why the silence of the nation's media?
These collective silences are, to say the very least, disturbing.
They are the silences of cowards. The silence of men and women who are in positions of responsibility and who have decided to look the other way, lower their heads, and act as if nothing is going on.
This collective silence, when you listen to it very, very carefully, growls. And whimpers.
It forces you to ask: is there a conspiracy, a conspiracy of the nation’s power elites, afoot?
We will explore this possibility in the next installment of "Our Geoengineering Age."
[1] Dane Wigington, “Climate engineering fact and photo summary.” Accessed November 28, 2018.
[2] See Wigington's web site here, Accessed November 28, 2018.
[3] Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog, interview, “Wildfire Worldwide Unlike Ever Before–Dane Wigington,” November 21, 2018. Accessed November 28, 2018. See also Elana Freeland Under an Ionized Sky (Port Townsend, WA: Feral Press, 2018). For background on the IM (ionospheric research) community, see here. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[4] Ibid. See also Faith Eherts “Rounds of heavy rain to threaten flooding across Texas at midweek,” AccuWeather, October 24, 2018. Accessed November 29, 2018.
[5] See Water.Ca.Gov source here. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[6] See source here. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[7] Hunter, Op. cit.
[8] J Marvin Herndon, “Communications to San Diego Officials Advising of Aerial Spraying Health Risks,” Accessed on November 28, 2018.
[9] J Marvin Herndon, “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineering activity: implications for India,” Current Science, 108, 12, June 25, 2015. Accessed November 28, 2018. See also, J Marvin Herndon “Adverse Agricultural Consequences of Weather Modification,” AGRIVITA Journal of Agricultural Science, 38, 3, August 2016. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[10] J Marvin Herndon and Mark Whiteside, “California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering,” Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 17, 3, October 1, 2018. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[11] Ibid. For the original NASA document, see NASA “Particulates Effect on Rainfall.” Accessed November 28, 2018.
[12] J Marvin Herndon, Raymond D Hoisington and Mark Whiteside, “Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications,” Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 14, 2, March 28, 2018. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[13] Herndon and Whiteside, “California Wildfires.”
[14] J Marvin Herndon, Dale D Williams and Mark Whiteside, “Previously Unrecognized Primary Factors in the Demise of Endangered Torey Pines: A Microcosm of Global Forest Die-Offs,” Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International,” 16, 4, August 4, 2018. Accessed November 28, 2018.
[15] J Marvin Herndon, “Scientific Articles Related to Ongoing Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering.” Accessed November 28, 2018.
